Millport, Alabama

MSB Produce

Butler Bees Vernon Alabama Jimmy Butler holding a Bee hive frame for local fresh honey
Butler Bees Vernon Alabama fresh local raw honey jaws

Millport Farmers Market

Thursdays:  4:00pm – 6:00pm

Vernon Farmers Market

Tuesdays:  4:00pm – 6:00pm
Some Saturdays:  8:15am – 10:30am (Depending on amount of produce)!!

Visit the Farm

184 Railroad St
Millport, Alabama 35576
By appointment only!

Contact information

205-712-5569 – Shann Humphres


Benefits of Young Farmers

Responsibility & Respect

Kids involved in agriculture are taught responsibility in so many different ways. Chores are a daily part of life and everyone has to do their part of it. They are also working around different equipment and livestock. Having respect for them and adults helping them to learn is super important. 

Communication & Decisions

At a farmers market you get to talk to potential buyers and it helps to build strong communication skills that will benefit the kid earlier on. Also decision making is a great benefit. Kids involved in agriculture will have to make many different decisions. They will see and understand the importance of making decision, and the consequences.

Butler Bees Vernon Alabama Orange Bee Award

Financial Management

Financial records are a required part of being a farmer: knowing how much the seeds itself cost, how much the feed and other bills were. Kids involved in agriculture are raised from an early age to understand that budgeting and financial planning is integral to a successful business.

Our Products

Say Hi at Millport & Vernon Farmers Market

At MSB Produce, we provide local fresh farm produce from our two farms in Millport, Alabama. The farm is operated by a small team of two dedicated young farmers that grow and produce fresh food. 

Butler Bees Honey Products

Come visit us at Millport & Vernon Farmers Market to check out our fresh local farm produce!

Local Farm Food

The mission of MSB Produce is to provide healthy, nutritious food to the local community, as well as to inspire and educate other young people to get involved with agriculture.
Our food is grown without the use of chemicals or pesticide. All the produce sold at the farmers market’s are grown at our farm. At the farmers market’s we will be offering the following produce:


15-20 Types of Pepper


Pickling Cucumber

Canned Food

Butler Bees Vernon Abalama Patti Butlerr vendor booth honey homemade products

I love selling the banana peppers and the tomatoes. They are very popular at the farmers market and fun to grow.
– Bentley Humphres

The Farmers

The Young Farmers, 
McCorey & Bentley

McCorey Humphres started MSB Produce back in 2017, when he at the age of 11 years old, wanted to go to the farmers market in Colombus, Mississippi to sell blueberries from his parents backyard. After 15 very intense and busy minutes he sold out of all of his blueberries – he was super excited and wanted to do more.

So the year after his big success, the family decided to expand their garden to grow more vegetables, so McCorey could attend to the local farmers markets with a much bigger variety of fresh food. His parents were very supportive and they still are. Especially his dad would help him with his little  entrepreneur project.

This year he also had great success and he was very hooked by it. The taste of success made him more excited and he was all about it. He even introduced and involved his smaller brother, Bentley Humphres, to help him at the age of 6 years old.

When McCorey stopped 2 years ago, his sweet little brother took over the business and today he is doing it together with his dad, Shann Humphres. 2023 is Bentley’s third year of doing it by himself and he loves it just as much as his bigger brother did. Bentley is just 10 years old and the community loves him. He is a very popular gentleman at both the Millport and Vernon Farmers markets that he attends.

Stay in Contact

Have a question or an order? Call or text us.  We’ll be in touch as soon as possible!


184 Railroad St
Millport, Alabama 35576

